SSK renders a professional service towards the administration of our clients’ stock which include:
- Intake
- Dispatches
- Instructions
- Owner transfers
- Silo Certificates
- Issuing of tax invoices on behalf of producers
Our reporting is in electronic format, that can easily be obtained by clicking on the login link (top right). Alternatively, contact Marianne Beyers or Duffy Snyman.
Business Hours
Mon – Fri: 07:30 – 13:00 & 14:00 – 17:00
Sat – Sun: closed
GrainSA Levies 2024-25 Authorisation Form (PDF | 455 KB)
JSE Market Notice 28524A CDM – Final Wheat Location Differentials 2024-25 Marketing Season (PDF | 162 KB)
SACTA 24-25 Levy Form New Season 1.10.2024 – 30.09.2025 (PDF | 138 KB)
SAWCIA Statutory-measure-wheat-barley-and-oats-1 (PDF | 372 KB)
SSK Grain Storage & Handling Tariffs – Winter Grain 2024-25 (PDF | 872 KB)
WF_SAWCIT_SAWCIA Industry Memorandum 03.10.2024 (PDF | 3 MB)