SSK has a team of Agricultural Development Officers (Animal Scientist and 4 Agricultural Economists) who provide relevant agricultural advice, free of charge, to the members of SSK.

Agricultural Specialists

The Animal Scientist provides animal husbandry related information to producers with regards to animal nutrition, animal breeding, general animal management and basic animal health. The Animal Scientist is also responsible for the the management of the feed mill.

The Agricutural Economists provides economic-related information to producers with regards to production costs, machinery costs, budgets and tariffs with regards to the lease of land and animals. The Agricutural Economists is also responsible for credit control.


Abrie Groenewald
Abrie GroenewaldAnimal Scientist
Andre Joubert
Andre JoubertAgricultural Economist
Diaan Oosthuizen
Diaan OosthuizenAgricultural Economist
Sebastian Cloete
Sebastian CloeteAgricultural Economist


34 Voortrek Street
Swellendam 6740

T 028-514 8600

Business Hours

Mon – Fri: 07:30 – 17:00